Hello, you may need the approval of your admin for the eClinical Works integration.
If you do not have this permission, we came with a workaround that is authorized by eClinicalWorks themselves. Here's how to automate eClinicalWorks notes, coding and orders without the integration with 1 click.
Video Tutorial here:
Here is the prompt we used to create the "Scribe it" output to match eClinical Works syntax and automatically import the note distributed into all the different discrete fields: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o-b4lbdQNTpdpy-fwlIUJ-q5Fl6JAkgcLdSinKHLuZ0/edit?tab=t.0
Now if you want more, and you have your admin permission, then that will give you the privilege to summarize patient records longitudinally, and use those records to leverage our state of the art analytics.
How to integrate with eClinicalWorks via API.
Activate DeepCura in your eClinicalWorks account.
Select FHIR Apis and click on settings.
Select Provider centric Apps.
Add our activation code: 7e760cdae0c34b94
Approve the app
Activate the app and approve again.
Click app configuration.
Add the providers you want to authorize to use DeepCura by dragging them from the left to the right as the picture shows below.
Create a DeepCura account on https://app.deepcura.com/register and go to Profile Settings, select the eClinicalWorks integration from the dropdown menu.
Add the client ID: wXvFYlyQORpmvti5FHK9jnVwt8PQkxqhNTDvh4RvGIA
and your issuer URL: https://fhir4.eclinicalworks.com/fhir/r4/[INSERTPROVIDERIDHERE]
You can find your providerID on your healow app portal. Do NOT Include the brackets from above. Final url should be: https://fhir4.eclinicalworks.com/fhir/r4/CEDZOH
In this case, the provider ID is: CEDZOH
You can see the entire installation flow in this video as well: