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DURING VISIT: AI Tasks, AI Audits & AI Alerts

DeepCura is changing the face of healthcare with its advanced AI solutions. By automating clinical tasks, enhancing compliance audits, and providing robust patient management tools, DeepCura aims to streamline healthcare processes and improve patient care. This article explores the various ways DeepCura's AI is making a difference.

Key Takeaways

  • DeepCura's advanced AI technology is capable of automating a wide range of clinical tasks that are intricately based on detailed patient encounters, significantly improving efficiency and accuracy in healthcare settings.

  • DeepCura enhances the process of compliance audits through the utilization of sophisticated AI audit templates, which not only streamline the auditing process but also allow for comprehensive automated compliance checks and scoring that are meticulously tailored according to user-defined templates, ensuring that all regulatory requirements are met with precision and ease.

Automating Clinical Tasks with DeepCura's AI

Conditional Task Setup Based on Patient Encounters

DeepCura's AI can set up tasks automatically based on patient encounters. For example, if a patient is referred to another healthcare service, the AI will automatically create a task to remind you to send the referral letter and even generate the referral letter itself within the task. You can set conditions for various scenarios, ensuring that no important steps are missed.

Get some ideas for conditional tasks here!

Managing and Viewing Automated Tasks

Managing these tasks is straightforward. You can view all tasks in one place, sorted by tags, deadlines, and status. This makes it easy to keep track of what needs to be done. You can also manually add tasks if needed, providing flexibility in task management.

Benefits of Automated Task Management

Automated task management offers several benefits:

  • Time-saving: Automating repetitive tasks frees up time for healthcare professionals to focus on patient care.

  • Improved accuracy: Automated tasks reduce the risk of human error, ensuring that all necessary steps are completed.

  • Enhanced efficiency: With tasks automatically generated and managed, the workflow becomes more efficient, leading to better patient outcomes.

Enhancing Compliance Audits with AI Audit Templates

Setting Up AI Audit Templates

Creating an AI audit template with DeepCura is straightforward. You start by providing the AI with a set of rules or guidelines that your clinical notes need to follow. These rules can be specific to your organization's requirements or general compliance standards. Once the rules are set, the AI uses them to check if your notes meet the necessary criteria. This setup ensures that your notes are always compliant with the required standards.

Automated Compliance Checks and Scoring

After setting up the audit template, the AI can automatically review your clinical notes by going to the isolated instructions icon located in the top right corner of the note and clicking on the AI audit template that you've just set up. It analyzes each note against the provided rules and generates a report. This report can include a compliance score and details on any missing elements. For example, if a note lacks vital sign values, the AI will highlight this omission. This automated process saves time and ensures accuracy in compliance checks.

Managing and Applying Audit Templates

Managing your AI audit templates is simple. You can save multiple templates for different types of audits and apply them as needed. The AI allows you to edit and update these templates easily, ensuring they remain relevant as compliance standards evolve. Additionally, you can store audit reports in a centralized location, like Google Drive, making it easy for administrators to review and manage compliance documentation. Simply click on the Google Drive icon located in the top right corner of the note as well which will automatically download the note as a PDF and open Google Drive so you can simply drag and drop the PDF to your preferred folder.


DeepCura's AI technology is truly changing the game in healthcare. By automating tasks and making compliance audits easier, it helps doctors and nurses focus more on their patients. With features like AI medical scribes, customizable clinical notes, automated tasks, audit reports and seamless EHR integration, DeepCura is making healthcare more efficient and accurate. This means better care for patients and less stress for healthcare workers. As we move forward, tools like DeepCura will be key in creating a smarter, more responsive healthcare system. The future of healthcare is here, and it's powered by AI.

How to Use DeepCura’s Automated Tasks Feature

  1. Navigate to Automation Section:

  • Go to your Automation section in DeepCura.

  1. Enable Automations:

  • Turn on the automations toggle.

  1. Create New Automation:

  • Click on Create Automation.

  • In the text box, add all the "if" conditions you want.

  1. Set Deadline:

  • Enter the deadline for the tasks.

  • Example: For lab test orders, the deadline is usually within a day.

  1. Tag the Task:

  • Select a tag for the task.

  • Example: ‘Labs’ for lab orders.

  1. Status and Save:

  • Set the status (e.g., to-do, in-progress).

  • Click on Save.

7. Automatic Task Suggestion:

  • When generating a note, if AI has a task suggestion, it will appear as a pop-up.

  • Cancel or save the task as preferred.

  • Saved tasks will appear in the tasks section for the patient.

How to Use DeepCura’s AI Audit Feature

1. Set Up an Audit Template:

2. Create New Template:

  • Navigate to the Template Library.

  • Click on Create New Instructions.

3. Name and Save Template:

  • Name it appropriately, e.g., AI Audit.

  • Paste the template instructions in the provided field.

  • Save the template into your library.

4. Auditing a Note:

  • Open the specific note you want to audit.

  • Click on the AI Edits and Macros icon (three connected dots).

5. Select and Apply Audit Template:

  • Choose the audit template from your library.

  • The AI will use your note to generate the audit report.

These steps should help you effectively use DeepCura's automation and AI audit features to streamline your workflows and enhance patient care.

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